Github OAuth Client Library - Android

The Github_OAuth library helps to easily add a Github's OAuth implementation flow to your Android application.

It will open a new Dialog Fragment with webview and user token will be returned on callback.

Find more about GitHub's OAuth implementation

Let’s go through a sample application that authenticate using Github. complete source code of this library and sample application is available on Github.


Using Gradle

The Github-OAuth library is pushed to jcenter, so you need to add the following dependency to your app's build.gradle.

As a module

If you can't include it as gradle dependency, you can also download this GitHub repo and copy the library folder to your project.


Obtaining GithubAuthenticator instance

Obtaining an access token via the GithubAuthenticator

Authenticate will open a new Dialog Fragment with webview and user token will be returned on callback

Enable logs

Scope can also be defined (optional)

Available scopes are from developer page


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